PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a method that people at risk for HIV take to prevent getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV infection. However, PrEP does not prevent other infections like HPV, Syphilis, Chlamydia or Herpes.
In 2020, 130 countries including South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, UK, USA, Vietnam, Thailand, etc., reported that they had adopted the WHO recommendations on oral PrEP in national guidelines, with a further 23 countries reporting that they plan to adopt the recommendations in the next two years.
PrEP in Hong Kong can be obtained from private clinics or hospitals. If you are interested in getting PrEP in Hong Kong, make sure you have read the instructions and done the corresponding tests needed.
- What is PrEP?
- Is there any side effect of PrEP?
- Crucial steps before getting PrEP
- How do I take PrEP?
- How to Buy PrEP Medication in Hong Kong
- Service and Charges
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is the use of anti-HIV medication under a doctor's advice to prevent HIV infection.
It is suitable for people who are HIV-negative but at risk of getting the virus. Truvada (emtricitabine-tenofovir DF) is a patented drug used for PrEP.
Please note that PrEP is not a vaccine. It can effectively prevent HIV infection from sex or injecting drugs only when taken correctly under a doctor's advice. If PrEP is used inconsistently, it will not work.
If you are thinking about using PrEP, you can make a reservation for the MY PrEP service to get the proper check-ups, doctor consultation and prescription.
The pill used for PrEP, Truvada®(also called FTC/TDF), has been used to treat people with HIV since 2004.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Truvada for PrEP use in 2012.
Adverse effects reported with PrEP are generally nonspecific and mild. However, renal function test was noted to be elevated and bone mineral density (BMD) decreased. In HIV infected patients, TDF/FTC is associated with liver and kidney complications. The possibility therefore exists that clinically significant toxicity may occur after prolonged use, particularly in those who have preexisting impaired renal function or osteoporosis.
That is why, it is very important to get the proper checkups and make sure you are HIV negative before using PrEP. Consult a doctor to know more about the PrEP checkups and medication.
You need to have the right medical check-up to be sure it is safe for you to use PrEP and you need to buy from a reliable supplier.
Get PrEP in THREE steps:
- You must take an HIV test and be sure that you are HIV-negative to avoid developing drug resistance to anti-HIV medication.
- You also need to be tested to ensure that you have good kidney and liver function.
- Consult a doctor and understand your dosage for PrEP – daily or on-demand.
If you are thinking about using PrEP, you can make a reservation for the My PrEP service to get the proper check-ups, doctor consultation and prescription.
If you are using PrEP correctly, it is very unlikely that you will get HIV. Research studies show that PrEP reduces the risk level of someone with HIV infecting you by more than 99%. There are 2 ways of taking PrEP, you just need to select either way.
Consult your doctor before deciding which method is suitable for you. Remember, it is important to follow the directions strictly to make PrEP useful in HIV prevention.
Daily PrEP
PrEP is most commonly taken as a once-a-day-pill. The easiest method for all genders is to take PrEP daily – take one pill at the same time each day.
If you are biologically male and not taking exogenous estradiol-based hormones, you are suggested to start the regimen by taking 2 PrEP pills 2-24 hours before having sex.
If you are biologically female or gender diverse people, start with taking 1 PrEP pill daily for 7 days before potential sexual exposure.
On demand PrEP
Some people are taking PrEP before and after sex (on demand). This method only works for biologically male who are not taking exogenous estradiol-based hormones. And this works only when the sexual activity is planned.
Take 2 pills 2-24 hours before sex, then 1 pill 24 hours after the first dose and another pill 48 hours after first dose. This is called 2-1-1 dosing.
In the event of sex on several days in a row, 1 pill should be taken each day until 48 hours after the last sexual intercourse.
If you are thinking about using PrEP, you can make a reservation for the My PrEP service to get the proper check-ups, doctor consultation and prescription.
PrEP is not available from the public hospitals in Hong Kong. If you would like to get PrEP in Hong Kong, you may visit private clinics or hospitals to do the checkups needed and get the prescription from a doctor.
You may download the leaflet below to know more about steps of getting PrEP in Hong Kong.
What To Do
You need to have the right medical check-up to be sure it is safe for you to use PrEP and you need to buy from a reliable supplier.
First, get checked and a prescription for PrEP.
You can use the MY PrEP service at MY PLACE to get medical check-up and doctor consultation. If you are suitable for PrEP, the doctor will write you a medicine prescription.
In Hong Kong, you can use the prescription to get the medication in 3 ways:
- Buy the drug Truvada from MY PLACE. The price is $6,500/bottle of 30 pills, Or the APO-EMTRICITABINE-TENOFOVIR from Canada generic drug. The price is $1,200/bottle of 30 pills;
- Take the prescription to Neo Health in Central and use it to buy the alternative medication Teno-Em for $1,200/bottle. You will need to register as a customer.
- Buy Truvada or other generic drug from other private clinics.
Price of medical consultation and medication for PrEP
MY PLACE (not-for-profit)
First check-up $1,550
$1,350-$1,550 for follow ups after medication.
Use the prescription to buy Truvada at $6,500/bottle, Or APO-EMTRICITABINE-TENOFOVIR at $1,200/bottle;
Or take it to Neo Health to buy Teno-Em at $1,200/bottle.
Neo Health, Central
First check-up $3,500-$4,200
$1,500-$1,800 for follow ups after medication.
Truvada $8,550/bottle, Teno-Em $1,200/bottle.
Other clinics in Hong Kong
Please call to check prices.
*Note that you do not need to repeat the check-ups or consultation there if you have the prescription from MY PLACE.
When you go to the clinic, tell them you have had PrEP check-up at MY PLACE and provide them with the report to buy PrEP.