Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

MY PLACE provides services related to sexual health and sexually transmitted infections(STIs) for people of different genders. If you have any questions or want to know about sexual health, please search for related FAQs by category, or contact us for inquiries.

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Sexual Health and Screening

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections transmitted through direct sexual contact. STIs can exist in large quantities in the blood, semen, and vaginal secretions of infected persons. Unsafe sex including vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, and genital contact increases the risk of contracting STIs.

General social contact such as eating together, taking public transport, touching buttons or objects, sharing washing machines, swimming in the same pool, etc. will not cause infections.

The detection methods of STIs depend on different inspection items. At present, the main methods include urine, blood, swabs, oral mucus and external examinations such as colposcopy.

Among them, blood testing is the most common method for detecting sexually transmitted infections.

You can also get tested through self-test kits. These kits allow you to get tested on your own in a safe way. It is an easy and quick method to know your status of STIs.

Click here to know about self-testing

People who are sexually active should be tested for STIs regularly, even if you have only one sex partner, it is best to be tested to ensure that you are not infected.

Getting tested for STIs doesn’t mean you don’t trust your partner, it’s about taking responsibility and protecting everyone’s health.

If you have high-risk factors such as bareback sex, non-consensual sex, drug sex (chemfun), a history of other STIs, etc., you should be tested regularly every year.

Taking HIV as an example, testing every three months is the best. In addition, STIs such as Syphilis, HIV, Chlamydia and Hepatitis B may be transmitted from mother to fetus, so pregnant people and those who are planning to become pregnant are strongly advised to take comprehensive STIs testing.

Both public and private medical institutions and non-governmental organizations in Hong Kong have launched a number of STIs testing programs. In fact, the testing items for STIs can be selected according to individual needs.

Many basic inspection items include more common STIs, such as HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, HPV, Chlamydia, Herpes, etc. Most people will check whether they have performed high-risk behaviors and whether they have symptoms. The doctor will discuss what tests are required, and if you find it difficult to talk to your family doctor, you can also call a professional health clinic to inquire.

The “window period” refers to the period from the moment of contracting the virus until the time when medical testing can effectively detect a positive result. Different STIs have a different window period.

Even if the test result is negative during this period, it is still necessary to test again after the window period.

An incubation period is the time elapsed between exposure to a pathogenic organism, a chemical, or radiation, and when symptoms and signs are first apparent.

PrEP Checks

No. PrEP is not a vaccine. The body will not produce HIV antibodies because of a single use of PrEP. Therefore, you need to undergo checks in advance according to the doctor’s instructions, and take PrEP orally at a specified time to prevent it.

PrEP drugs cannot be obtained from public hospitals and clinics in Hong Kong. Some private clinics and hospitals provide PrEP and examinations. The types and prices of PrEP drugs provided by these institutions may be different. You can check with individual institutions.

We also provide Hong Kong PrEP doctor prescribing and dispensing services. You need to undergo appropriate checks to ensure that your body functions are suitable before taking PrEP drugs.

Learn more about our PrEP service

Buying PrEP online can be dangerous to your health, and unless you can be sure the online provider is reputable, you’re more likely to buy counterfeit medicines online.

Also, it is not legal to buy PrEP drugs online and mail them to Hong Kong. Even though there has been no prosecution case against the import of PrEP drugs in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department still has the right to prohibit the import of the drug or initiate prosecution against the relevant persons.

If you are considering purchasing PrEP medicines online, you should ensure that you have taken the necessary medical examinations, including HIV testing as well as kidney and liver function tests, obtained a prescription from your doctor, and be prepared to take risks and legal liabilities that may arise.

The side effects of PrEP medications vary from person to person. Short-term side effects include headache, stomach upset and loss of appetite, tiredness and weight loss.

In some studies of PrEP, 2% of people taking PrEP had a slight decrease in creatinine clearance and glomerular filtration rate, as well as a slight loss of bone density. But most people stop taking PrEP and the side effects go away. We recommend that all those considering taking PrEP monitor their health closely over time and discuss their medication with their doctor.

Other information

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